How can exit interviews improve employee retention?

Friday June 2, 2023

Exit interviews are an essential tool for businesses to gather feedback from employees who are leaving the organisation. This feedback can provide valuable insights into the company’s culture, management practices, and areas for improvement. However, conducting exit interviews in-house can be challenging, time-consuming, and may not yield candid responses from employees. Outsourcing exit interviews to a third-party provider can offer several benefits to SMEs.

Here are some key benefits of outsourcing exit interviews:

  1. Objectivity: An external provider can offer an unbiased and objective perspective, which can lead to more honest and open feedback. Employees may feel more comfortable sharing their experiences, concerns, and feedback with someone outside the organization.
  2. Expertise: Outsourced providers have experience in conducting exit interviews, analysing data, and providing insights to businesses. They can offer advice and guidance on how to improve retention rates, employee engagement, and overall workplace culture.
  3. Confidentiality: Outsourced providers can ensure confidentiality and anonymity, which can encourage employees to provide candid feedback. Employees may feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns when they know that their identity will remain anonymous.
  4. Time and cost-saving: Outsourcing exit interviews can save time and money for businesses. It can free up HR staff to focus on other important tasks and reduce the need for training and resources.
  5. Technology: Outsourced providers often have access to advanced technology and tools that can facilitate the exit interview process, such as online surveys, data analytics, and reporting software.

At The HR Dept, we can provide a tailored exit interview service to suit your business. We can customise our service to meet the specific needs of your business and provide actionable insights to improve employee retention and engagement thereby reducing recruitment costs and saving you money.

How do we know exit interviews work?

We have been working with a client that was experiencing a high turnover of staff, costing them time and money to continually recruit. We have been carrying out exit interviews for this business for a few months now and they have recently reported a 3.5% reduction in staff turnover whilst other businesses in their sector have seen increases.

Overall, outsourcing exit interviews can offer several benefits for businesses. By working with a trusted provider, businesses can gain valuable insights into their organisation, improve employee retention rates, and ultimately enhance the workplace culture.

To find out how we can support your business with exit interviews or any other HR matter, call us on 0117 970 2955 or email

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