It’s Monday morning and you’ve come into a pile of work as usual: three emailed requests for holidays; a telephone message saying an employee is back at work after being off sick; a request from head office asking for a Length of Service report…oh, and with the new approach to performance reviews you could really do with some good advice on pulling together a top-notch appraisal template.
Feel stressed?
Of course, your HR advisor can help with the appraisal template, but as for wading through the other jobs, that’s going to take time: checking and updating the holiday spreadsheet and acknowledging the requests; emailing over a Back to Work form for completion, chasing it, then storing it with any sick notes; trawling through the paper files in the cabinet to see when everyone started working for the company, and so on and so on ….
But all that’s just a necessary part of your job, right?
Well, the good news is it doesn’t have to be.
A simple step to slash the stress
One of the best ways to massively reduce the time you spend on HR administration is to invest in The HR Dept Toolkit.
This innovative online software is designed specifically to help small and medium sized enterprises automate and streamline their HR function.
Offering a variety of self-service features, the Toolkit allows employees to carry out a range of personal HR tasks, helping you focus more of your time on personnel development and management information.
We’re bound to sing the praises of the software. But one thing we can say hand on heart is that it becomes twice as powerful when used in conjunction with The HR Dept’s expertise.
That is because an HR Dept advisor will use the software to underpin the specific HR processes and working practices within your business.
With your consent, your advisor can also access your system, which can be of benefit in two main ways.
First, they can proactively analyse your data to identify trends and opportunities, and make informed decisions about how to take your business forward.
Second, if you have an urgent issue that you need their help with, they can review any relevant records straight away and give you immediate advice.
Handy but costly…right?
As the whole premise of The HR Dept is to provide growing businesses with flexible and cost-effective HR advice, the Toolkit makes a perfect partner to this offering.
Available for an affordable monthly fee, the cost scales only as your business grows and there is no sign-up fee or lengthy tie-in period.
What is more, your HR advisor can arrange for you to have a free screen-share demonstration or trial of the HR system to give you a clear idea of how it can help your business.
However, whilst you might be impressed with its benefits, its true value really comes to the fore when combined with professional HR advice.
So much more than the sum of its parts
Used together, the benefits provided by The HR Dept’s Toolkit and human resources advice truly add up to more than the sum of their parts. In fact, it’s the equation we like to think of as 1 +1 = 3, ensuring you gain more powerful insights into your business than you would with advice or software on their own.
For more information or to arrange a free on screen demonstration, get in touch with The HR Dept today.