{"id":245171,"date":"2019-07-01T08:51:12","date_gmt":"2019-07-01T08:51:12","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.hrdept.co.uk\/?page_id=245171"},"modified":"2024-03-20T11:52:51","modified_gmt":"2024-03-20T11:52:51","slug":"training-skills-development-2","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/www.hrdept.co.uk\/solihull\/training-skills-development-2","title":{"rendered":"Training & Development"},"content":{"rendered":"

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Staff training and skills development services<\/h1>\n

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Skills development that supports your business<\/h2>\n

Even the best employees need to be continuously developing skills so that they can meet the needs of your business as it evolves. Investing in training is one of the biggest motivational factors for employees<\/p>\n

Continuous learning is a key ingredient for success and a way to future-proof your company. A team that engages in lifelong learning will not only remain competent but can also aspire to be one step ahead of the competition.<\/p>\n

Implementing skill-based learning and development strategy can ensure that continuous learning and training become core values of your business.<\/p>\n

Through this technique, you can level up and empower your current employees, whilst boosting your recruitment process and attracting recruits with a keen willingness to learn.<\/p>\n

We can help you establish a skills audit for your company and a training programme that meets your needs<\/p>\n

Our training courses include (but are not limited to):<\/h2>\n

We offer a whole host of training programmes, covering everything from management and team leader training to personal development and supervisory skills. All our courses are available both in-person and online \u2014 you can pick whichever approach best suits your business. Here are our most popular training courses:<\/p>\n

\u25cf Management and HR
\u25cf Interviewing and Recruitment
\u25cf Discipline and Grievance Procedure
\u25cf Appraisal Training
\u25cf Management Change
\u25cf Team Leader Training
\u25cf Supervisory Skills
\u25cf Leadership and People Management
\u25cf Time Management
\u25cf Personal Development
\u25cf Conflict Management
\u25cf Managing Absence
\u25cf Coaching and Mentoring<\/p>\n

We also provide industry-specific online skill-based learning and training courses, for example, Communication in Care, Consumer Rights for Retailers, and Safer Recruitment in Education. Please contact us if you have any training requirements and we will be happy to advise.<\/p>\n

What is staff training and development?<\/h2>\n

Staff training and staff development are broad terms that cover several types of employee learning.<\/p>\n

If we\u2019re talking about employee training, this will generally refer to a training programme that provides employees with new skills and knowledge to improve their performance in their current role. It focuses on the now. Employee development, on the other hand, focuses on employee growth and performance long-term. It focuses on the future rather than an immediate job role.<\/p>\n

Both are equally as important. Investing time and money into training and development will benefit your business in the short, medium and long term.<\/p>\n

Why training and development is important for your business<\/h2>\n

In terms of long-lasting performance and results, training and development allow your workplace to thrive. And if there\u2019s one thing we know about a thriving workplace, it\u2019s that they\u2019re often successful.<\/p>\n

Because changes are constantly being made to the way we do things, staff training and development is also important to a company\u2019s organisational culture. Something that works today might be outdated tomorrow. Continuous training and development help staff stay up to speed and adapt quickly if changes happen.<\/p>\n

Employee training helps with motivation, too. If an employee learns a new skill and receives praise from their employer, they\u2019ll most likely carry this motivation into their job role, which will improve performance.<\/p>\n

It can also influence positive employee retention. By providing employees with career growth opportunities, you\u2019re more likely to keep hold of employees, which means less time and money spent hiring. A company that invests in its people will not only pick up praise from its employees, but from others outside of an organisation, too. This is great for a business\u2019s reputation, and for attracting top talent.<\/p>\n

Our approach to training and development<\/h2>\n

Our selection of training courses can help you develop members of your teams and meet legal requirements tied to your industry.<\/p>\n

By getting to know you and your company, we\u2019ll provide a unique service that\u2019s tailored specifically to your business. From appraisal training and supervisory skills to interviewing and recruitment and management and HR, our training programmes are designed to improve employee performance and positively impact workplace cultures. Whether it\u2019s in-person or web-based eLearning sessions, all our training programs speak directly to your company culture, values, needs and challenges \u2014 helping you overcome struggles and generate solutions together.<\/p>\n

Your business will benefit from our expert advice and decades of experience in engaging audiences and educating teams. To see how we can positively impact your teams, give us a call or send us an email today.<\/p>\n

Up next read more about employee benefits<\/a><\/p>\n

[\/et_pb_text][et_pb_video src=”https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qdLO5cFSDPo&list=PLIUsvSL8c0ckIiYiQWOSAQHGjvcFeRGro&index=12&t=6s” _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][\/et_pb_video][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”]<\/p>\n

Training and Development FAQ<\/span><\/h1>\n

[\/et_pb_text][et_pb_accordion open_toggle_background_color=”#FFFFFF” closed_toggle_text_color=”#522e91″ closed_toggle_background_color=”#FFFFFF” icon_color=”#522e91″ _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” toggle_text_color=”#522e91″ toggle_level=”h2″ custom_margin=”|||-21px|false|false” border_width_all=”0px” border_width_bottom=”1px” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_accordion_item title=”What does staff training do?” open=”on” _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”]<\/p>\n

There are lots of benefits to staff training and development, all of which help to create a thriving workplace. It can help boost employee motivation, too. This alone can improve performance and in turn, make employees happier in their roles.<\/p>\n

Positive employee retention is another thing that is influenced by staff training and development. Continuous training is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to give employees new knowledge and skills that they can use at work. What\u2019s more, management courses are the perfect way to move current employees into managerial roles \u2014 without needing to hire. <\/p>\n

[\/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Why is staff training and development important?” _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}” open=”off”]<\/p>\n

Staff training and development is essential for every business that wants to grow and succeed. The way things are done in a workplace can change daily, and so keeping your employees up to date and making sure they\u2019re ready to adapt is seriously important.<\/p>\n

What\u2019s more, it allows you to find and deal with any weaknesses in your business and helps your employees to be more all-rounded and better skilled at their job. Continuous training and development can also do wonders for employee confidence, improving motivation and therefore, performance. <\/p>\n

[\/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”How does training and development improve employee motivation?” _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}” open=”off”]<\/p>\n

Training helps employees understand how their work fits in with their company\u2019s goals, mission and structure. Because they understand how their work matters, they can feel more motivated. What\u2019s more, training to improve specific departments and teams can improve the quality of work and the results. As a result, employees feel happier, become more excited about the thought of success and develop higher self-worth.<\/p>\n

[\/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”What is HR’s role in training and development?” _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}” open=”off”]<\/p>\n

HR has quite a big role to play in training and development. As well as providing orientation and evaluating performance, they should assign appropriate training, handle succession planning and improve organisational processes.<\/p>\n

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Want to upskill your team?<\/span><\/h2>\n

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