Our customers give us their views

Tuesday February 7, 2017

Our annual survey isn’t just a chance to find out what our customers think of us, it’s a chance to pull together a snapshot of their businesses intentions for the near future, and see which of our services they need from us the most.

It was fantastic to see that our customers had again given us an average score of 93% for performance, and 94% of them are likely to recommend us! Our overall Net Promoter Score also hit a new high at 85.6 (the UK national average is 31). Make sure you check out our press release for the full details.

The survey was completed before the Brexit vote in the EU referendum, so it will be interesting to see if the stated hiring intentions and intended salary changes happen as planned, or change as the economy and business climate shifts. We will be in touch with our customers to support them whatever the weather.

To celebrate, we’ve put together a short film, make sure you check it out.

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