Are you aware of high-risk HR situations in your business?

Sunday November 28, 2021

One of the most important aspects of being a manager or business owner is knowing how to deal with people problems. With complex human emotions and diverse backgrounds in the mix, well-written policies might help but only go some way to resolving the various issues that can arise with staff members.

I find that managers who have not received the relevant training can be ill-equipped to identify the severity of an issue until it is too late. However confident they are in their position and ability to fight fires for day-to-day business, if they are lacking the knowledge required to spot potential conflict and address it in the right way, they can put your business at serious risk if they are hesitant or uncertain about what to do.

Here are a few of the most commons high-risk situations I deal with on a daily basis for clients and that you should watch out for:

Risk of discrimination. An employee reporting that a co-worker has made insulting comments towards them, or treated them unfairly, could have grounds for discrimination. For example, shrugging off banter as “just a joke” will not make the problem go away or reduce its seriousness. In fact, it can make it worse. Always be aware of the nine protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010: Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.  Breaches in these areas can risk a discrimination claim, known to reach hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Workplace bullying. Workplace bullying is a serious issue and sadly still takes place.  It can have damaging effects on both a person’s health and the future success of your business. Complaints of bullying must be taken seriously, investigated and documented. Your senior staff will need assistance with how to support victims and manage perpetrators.

Managing poor performance. Telling an employee their work is no good or their attitude stinks, and expecting them to fill in the gaps, is not going to do anyone any favours. Your managers will need to know and follow the correct process for dealing with poor performance. It is only fair to the employee, their co-workers and your business.

Hiring and firing. Job ads and interviews must be legal and not leave any room for discrimination. Even before hiring a person you are open to risk of claims from candidates if they feel they have been treated unfairly.  A manager might feel they are doing the right thing by firing an underperforming employee but if they didn’t follow the correct procedure before doing so, you could be at risk of an unfair dismissal claim. This can cripple a small business. Pay outs have been known to exceed £400,000.

Health and safety. Whilst it’s your overall responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy workplace, you will need to know how to spot hazards and respond appropriately. From hefty fines to jail time, it’s not worth forgetting. A health and safety risk assessment can help to identify potential problems.

There will still be occasions when a second opinion is needed and that’s where we tend to come in!  if you have a tricky employee situation or need a second opinion please give me a call, I’m always happy to talk through situations…’s what we do every day!


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