Looking at the shops, it really does seem as though Easter is the new Christmas. Easter crackers, Easter biscuits, hot cross buns… And of course, the Easter Bunny will be frantically making his way across predicted snow-laden fields to bring us all Easter eggs.
What better time to give the gift of chocolate?
For a country facing an obesity crisis, this does not sound too healthy. But giving staff an Easter egg may stop the spirit of Scrooge setting in at this time of the year.
Although a chocolate egg is not likely to turn every employee into a little ray of sunshine and make them instantly more productive, it is a nice gesture. Particularly if you remember those that have special dietary requirements such as allergies or diabetes, and find an appropriate sort. If you are feeling really festive, how about an egg hunt in the office or a cake sale for your office charity?
Health initiatives in the workplace
Or maybe now is the time to be implementing a health and wellbeing programme in the workplace. As soon as people think of health and wellbeing programmes, they think “expensive gym membership”. But something as simple as starting a running or walking club can work. Be imaginative – you could even involve their family dogs – and it would be a great way for staff to lose those extra pounds gained from all the Easter treats. It would be a positive team building experience to boot.
Improving mental health as well as physical health
It is also a proven fact that regular exercise does help manage stress, and there is plenty of stress around to be managed.
Alongside a fitness initiative, providing staff with an employee assistance programme as part of an overall flexible benefits offering is a really cost-effective benefit. It is hugely beneficial for employees and the business.
So from all of us at The HR Dept, have a happy and healthy Easter.