Futureproof Your Business

Act now and get ahead of the changes with our local experts by your side.

Welcome to our Employment Rights Bill Hub

The election of a Labour Government, and their recently announced Employment Rights Bill, is bringing about the biggest changes to employment law in decades. The impact on SMEs is going to be huge.

The HR Dept is by your side to help you manage the change. Together, let’s futureproof your business.


What are the changes?

Read what changes we are expecting to see, so that you can get an idea of how they may impact upon your business.

Take our quiz

Answer 18 yes or no questions and get a free, actionable PDF report showing how ready your business is.


Download our Factsheet

Find out all you need to know about the Employment Rights Bill, it’s impact and what you should be doing to prepare.


See how we can help

See how The HR Dept can support you through these changes and allow you to focus on growing your business.


Download our Factsheet

Find out all you need to know about the Employment Rights Bill, it’s impact and what you should be doing to prepare.


What are the changes?

Read what changes we are expecting to see, so that you can get an idea of how they may impact upon your business.

Take our quiz

Answer 18 yes or no questions and get a free, actionable PDF report showing how ready your business is.


See how we can help

See how The HR Dept can support you through these changes and allow you to focus on growing your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are casual contracts the same as zero-hour contracts?

It depends on the specifics within the contract. There is many different phrases for different types of employment and we would strongly recommend getting a HR expert to review your contracts.

Will SSP be available for those on part-time/zero-hour contracts from day one?

We expect the new rights to be applicable to everyone who is classed as an employee from day one.

Which training would you advise for managers?

Training your managers is vital to ensure a smooth implementation of this Bill. Key areas include performance management, difficult conversations and conflict, grievances and disciplinaries, recruitment and onboarding, absence management. Contact your local expert to find out how we can help.

Will the Employment Rights Bill be applied retrospectively?

The new day one rights will not be applied retrospectively; these will only apply to those who start employment once the act is enacted. That is why it is so important to act now and futureproof your business. Some elements may be phased in before the full Bill comes into force in Autumn 2026, which is something to keep any eye on.

Will SSP and Unfair Dismissal changes apply to temporary workers through an employment agency?

These changes will apply to all employees, which includes agency workers. However, the agency worker is an employee of the agency themselves, and they would be responsible for implementing these rights.

Is the Right to Switch Off still planned?

Yes it is. The government has announced that they intend to bring the Right to Switch Off in via a statutory code of practise.

Will guaranteed hours contracts have to be offered to under 16s?

The government has not specified on this, and it is unlikely to be expresses excluded, however practically speaking there is already many restrictions on what hours under 16s can work.

Will the Employment Rights Bill affect sub-contractors under Service Level agreements?

The Employment Rights Bill will not impact upon these, as it applies to those who are employed. However, keep an eye on any changes to Worker status in the future, as this could require you to change your agreements.

Watch our webinar to find out about the changes and what they could mean for you:

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