Our annual survey was recently sent to all customers who’ve benefited from our huge variety of HR services in the last year. We wanted them to tell us what they think of our performance, and share their own exciting business plans in the upcoming year!
Well the results are in, and we at The HR Dept are once again over the moon. Not only at the huge thumbs up we’ve been given from our customers, but also at their rousing performances and projections for the future!
Redundancies are down – recruitment is up!
The number of customers carrying out redundancies has fallen 8.3% year on year: at 32.7% in 2015 the figure is down from 35.4% in 2014 and 38.4% in 2013. This surely means less of those tricky conversations! In fact only 2.7% of respondents this year planned on decreasing the size of their workforce in the near future! Instead, we see buoyed desire from healthy businesses to grow: 58.3% of those surveyed are planning to take on more staff in the next six months, compared to 56.6% last year.
Wages are on the rise
According to our survey, over two thirds of respondents are planning wage increases before this year is out. Maybe they foresaw the announcement in the budget yesterday regarding implementing a living wage! Regardless, their staff will no doubt benefit from a raised standard of living, a benefit coming straight back to the employer in increased employee retention and productivity – something the Chancellor is keen to promote.
Our survey tells us that the UK’s and Ireland’s entrepreneurial army of SMEs are flourishing, reaching new heights in the midst of an improving economic climate. And not only are our customers growing more confident in themselves, but also in us!
95% of customers would recommend The HR Dept
Our headline accolade this year is our performance rating, sitting at an impressive 9.27 out of 10! Maybe that’s why 95% of our customers would and do recommend us to other businesses. The HR Dept is hugely proud of these figures, and will aim to take it one step higher for next year.
What was behind our performance rating? Many respondents claimed the best things about working with The HR Dept were our knowledge and expertise of all things HR, our ability to provide you with real advice that you can act upon, and of course our proudly local service. All things we aim to excel at in the future.
We’re looking to build on these results over the next year by taking on board feedback to fine tune our services, and strengthen our range of added value offerings. Watch this space!
We’d finally like to thank all those who partook in our survey this year, and again thank those who’ve strived to deliver such an excellent service over the last 12 months in our offices throughout the UK and Ireland.
If you are looking for HR services now or in the future, we hope you get in touch and experience for yourself the outstanding service that we offer!