Should employees be entitled to time off to care for sick pets?

Friday February 24, 2017

It’s a new year and as you saw in last week’s blog, new resolutions come thick and fast. Ones that come to mind are ‘drink less, eat less’ and when the latest credit card bill arrives after the Christmas blitz, ‘spend less’. Typically this is also when your pet animal has some horrible accident or falls ill.  A wave of relief comes over you at the thought of the wisely taken out pet insurance. But even with insurance you have to pay out first and then reclaim it and in January, that can be tough. You are also probably back at work and the last thing your boss wants to hear is you asking for time off to attend vet appointments.

Pet owners will know that you always seem to have to collect your pet at ‘about 4.00pm’ after an operation, which means leaving work at 3.30pm if you are nearby. Then don’t forget the aftercare! You have planned out all this year’s holiday entitlement after reading all of those destination magazines on New Year’s Day and now you are going to have to use up some to look after your pet. The maxim “a dog is for life not just Christmas” comes home to roost! Our suggestion to the Coalition is to extend time off for dependent emergencies to cover pets. After all they are one of the family. We can’t help but wonder what other people’s recommendations for new laws would be.

We’d love to hear what you think. Let us know by leaving a comment below or getting in touch with us via Twitter.

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