January doesn’t have to be blue…

Wednesday January 11, 2023

Blue Monday is approaching.

Taking place on Monday 16th January, it is claimed to be the most depressing day of the year.

As we come down from the festive high of December, it can be easy for everyone to accept the notion that January is the worst month. However, this doesn’t have to be the case.

We’re here to give a helping hand on what you can do to brighten up your workplace.

What makes January so blue?

As the decorations are taken down and the warm glow of fairy lights begin to dim, we brace ourselves for a new year.

According to an industry survey, 44% of people admit to suffering the January Blues.

With credit card bills coming in from Christmas and a longer wait than usual until pay day, people can be left worried about their finances this month.

Along with Dry January, Veganuary and forcing yourself to use that new gym membership, at face value there isn’t a huge amount for people to get excited about.

On top of that, this is all occurring during the coldest, darkest month of the year. So we can’t even rely on the sun to boost our spirits!

How can you brighten up your workplace?

To help your team manage the January Blues if you notice it’s an issue, you could consider injecting some fun into your workplace. Happier staff can result in better productivity after all.

If members of your team are taking part in Dry January, why not have a competition of who can create the best alcohol free cocktail?

Participating in Veganuary? Consider running a Bake Off type challenge to see who can bake the yummiest vegan cake!

Fun activities like this can give employees that little pick-me-up they need – and they don’t need to take up too much time.

If you’re looking for something more easy-going, think about gathering your team for an afternoon cuppa – in-person or virtually. Set aside some time for people to connect in which they aren’t talking about work.

Another idea, if time and budget allow, is a social event for your team. Some companies have taken to forgoing the usual Christmas party in favour of an event in January to help their team ease into the new year.

Other considerations…

Light-hearted activities and events to wipe away those January Blues can be great mood boosters. But caring about your employees’ well-being can run deeper than this.

Should you want to look at the issue in more depth, think about your company culture. Is it an environment where people can speak up if they are struggling?

Make your staff aware of the resources that are available to them. These could simply be third-party support through charities or dedicated employee benefits that you provide. Investment in benefits like employee assistance programmes (EAPs) to help is a good long-term strategy and is very cost-effective.

If you have not been doing it recently, going back to basics with initiatives like regular 121s is a solid way to improve communication. This will give your employees that chance to talk about any issues they may be experiencing at work without an audience.

Another thing which can be overlooked is sharing your hopes, plans and aspirations for the business over the next 12 months. It ensures everyone is on the same page (which is something that can otherwise be taken for granted) and gets your team excited about the year ahead.

Get in touch

Our network of local HR Dept offices across the UK and Ireland have extensive experience in helping employers prevent people problems. If you would like any help getting to grips with the January Blues when they afflict your team, please get in touch.

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