Where to find your next hires after the Great Resignation

Wednesday January 19, 2022

The events of 2020 saw a drastic shift in working practices, with many companies facing remote work for the very first time.

Since then, a further shake up to employment has taken place. Dubbed the “Great Resignation”, 2021 was the year that millions decided it was time to seek new employment. In fact, at the end of last year, as many as one in four employees were planning to change their job.

So what does this mean for 2022? With vacancies to fill and many job seekers optimistic about a career change, it could be the year that recruitment gets a revamp.

When an employee decides to leave, it creates an opportunity for positive change. A chance to review your plans for their role, think about who you would like to recruit and how you will go about doing so. It’s not just about finding a replacement either. Recruitment done well can provide a pathway to effecting positive change in your business, such as to improve equality and diversity.

The Great Job Swap

Entrepreneurial employees took a leap last year. It’s been reported that close to 80 new businesses were created every hour in the first half of 2021. Others, ready for a new direction, set their sights on a career change in a different industry to the one in which they had previously been dedicated.

Reasons for switching have included a desire for more meaningful work, better flexibility, job security and opportunities for career advancement.

Since the pandemic, people of all ages are starting to look at life differently, including how and where they work.

For employers, this might feel like unfamiliar territory. Experienced employees are leaving and the ones applying are not meeting your expectations. If this sounds familiar, it could be time to rethink your recruitment.

Thinking outside the box

Have you already extended your job advert, highlighted the perks, and checked the salary is competitive, but are still struggling to fill a vacancy? Some outside the box thinking can help.

Promote current staff – The perfect person for the job could already be working for you. If there is something stopping you from promoting a current member of staff to fill a vacant position, consider if training might make a difference. For example, the successful completion of management training could help an acting manager become permanent.

Diversify job posting – If you always advertise your vacancies in the same places, you are likely to limit your choices. Consider advertising through alternative sites, platforms, magazines, trade papers, network groups, referrals and so on to reach new people.

Abandon your expectations – Ever known exactly what you’re looking for but can’t find it anywhere? The same can happen when it comes to recruiting. Having a picture in your mind of the ideal candidate could mean that you’re missing out on the next best person. Try to keep an open mind when reviewing applications with miscellaneous experience, as many skills are transferable.

Promote on the job training – Keen and motivated applicants seeking a career change might not have the exact experience that you need, but on-the-job training can attract a new wave of talent to your business. The development or honing of skills can be achieved through apprenticeships that target all age groups, or a staff training scheme that’s worth shouting about.

Going further afield – Ever since Brexit the recruitment process for EU nationals has changed and the points-based immigration system explains the various routes to employment when hiring from the EU.

Re-engage retired employees – Because of the pandemic, specialisms in demand, such as health and safety, have seen a resurgence of retirees re-entering the job market. This is not the same as “fire and rehire” and there is a process that should be followed. If you are considering this, professional HR support is advised.

Rethink your recruitment

When you do come across a suitable candidate, don’t delay your decision. In the current job climate someone else could beat you to it.

If you’d like to hear some more ideas or discuss your recruitment goals for 2022, give us a call. Our professional HR team can help you rethink your recruitment for a successful year ahead.

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