Journalist note: for release 19th November 2012
Employment specialist The HR Dept has joined forces with charity Family Lives to provide a guide for employers and employees on managing workplace bullying. The guide is launched to support the campaign for the 10th anniversary of Anti Bullying Week in November 2012 with the theme being ‘we’re better without bullying’. Anti Bullying Week is usually focussed on bullying in the playground, however workplace bullying is often overlooked which is why The HR Dept and Family Lives have put together the guide for employers and employees to manage workplace bullying and foster a culture free of it.
The HR Dept says: “Workplace bullying is a horrible everyday occurrence for many and like all HR issues, attitudes, policies and a zero tolerance approach needs to come from the top down. Employers need to set an example to their staff and make it clear that this type of behaviour is considered a gross misconduct and that all complaints will be taken seriously. Employees need to be honest about their behaviour and take responsibility. Clearly there is much work to be done as many victims of bullying do not report their experiences due to fear that they will lose their job”.
Recent research has found that 30% of UK workers claim that they are currently experiencing bullying in the office. Getting blamed for mistakes they didn’t make and being constantly criticised were cited as the most common experiences. Combating workplace bullying needs to be a combined effort by both employer and employee. The battle will only be half won if employees speak to their manager about an incident and no action is taken.
Jeremy Todd of Family Lives comments: “Bullying in the workplace can be a very devastating and distressing issue that impacts the whole family. Workplace bullying can take any shape or form – and some people may be questioning whether what they are going through is workplace bullying. Anyone with concerns about bullying, in all its forms can contact Family Lives via its website or helpline on 0808 800 2222. Their services are free and confidential.”
The guide can be accessed on both the Family Lives and The HR Dept website.
The HR Dept specialises in advising small and medium sized business on all employment issues.
Notes to editor:
The HR Dept provides nationwide outsourced HR support to small and medium sized businesses, all that a large company would enjoy from their own in-house HR department but at a fraction of the cost.
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